Ballarat Rovers Motor Cycle Club

        Ballarat Rovers Motor Cycle Club Est. 1952

        Monza is a Tear-Off Free Zone

Membership info ring Ian Stacey 0439388581
Or our Facebook Page click here Ballarat Rovers MCC

               Renew your social membership or to join for club reg of bikes & cars : Click Here. Membership Valid till 31st December each year

Riders/racers must join through Ridernet; Click here

Latest News:
We meet 7:30 sharp on the 1st & 3rd Thursday nights of each month from Feb to Oct & every Thursday in Nov. Hut 25 Ballarat Airport. Subject to change


First meeting back for 2025

Hey Rover's, our first club meeting at the Airport is next Thursday 6th February 7.30 pm sharp. Main agenda will be a calendar. Come along and have a say. Cheers.


Merry Xmas to all.



Latest on MA/MV discussions.

Good evening, Rovers.

We are sure you are aware that there is a rather large dispute going on between Motorcycling Australia and Motorcycling Victoria.

Please understand that the committee of the Ballarat Rovers MCC, OUR COMMITTEE, is working to understand, push forward with, and support what is the best option for motorcycling within Australia and within Victoria.

We are currently in discussions to join many other Victoria clubs in providing a united front to hopefully allow us all to move forward and enjoy the sport we are all most passionate about, sooner rather than later.

Yours in Motorcycling
B.R.M.C.C. Committee


Ride Day & Xmas break up Sat 7th Dec

Good morning all, TO Ballarat Rovers MCC & Ballarat Rovers Motorcycle Club member & friends we will be running a RIDE DAY
Sat the 7th December
FREE sausage sizzle ( pay for drinks )
All riders MUST enter on Ridernet search for Christmas Party Practice Day | 07.12.2024
YOU CAN GET A DAY LICENSE ON RIDERNET if you don't have rec licence or race licence

More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page



AGM 28/11/2024

Hello everyone, our AGM is this coming Thursday the 28th.

We will kick off with a short committee meeting from 7:30 and jump into the AGM at 8:00 pm.

All welcome, see you there!


Remebrance ride 16/11/2024

Remembering our mates.

Ballarat Rovers motorcycle club annual remembrance ride Saturday 16th November leaving from 609 Post Office Rd, Ross Creek.

There will be a minute silence at 11am so make sure you're there by 10:45.

There will be a mystery ride to a country pub for lunch and return. Ride will be approx 200kms.

More info please call Daryl 0417059033.


Meeting at Clubrooms tonight

We have a general meeting tomorrow evening at the clubrooms, Ballarat Airport starting at 7.30pm.

The committee will also have a quick commitee prior in the back room starting 7pm.

All welcome, positions for 2025 open so come along and be part of YOUR clubs future.


Meeting at Monza tonight

Hey Rovers,

There will be a meeting at Monza tonight. We’ll discuss practice days and our upcoming Western Region round.

We’ll need plenty of help for both so please come and see what roles you might be able to pick up - even the shortest amount of availability is huge for the club.

We’ll chuck some snags on the BBQ from 6:30, hope to see you there!

Cheers, Nick


Lap scorers for the weekend at Warrnambool

Hey everyone we need lap scorers for the weekend at Warrnambool one for each day. We had Saturday sorted but they aren’t racing now so looking for both days again.


General Meeting 4th of July Thursday night 7:30

Hello everyone, general meeting this Thursday at the club rooms, see you all there, meeting starts at 7:30 pm


Richard Ingles funeral

Hi Rovers.

For all those that know Richard, his funeral is at 10.00am, this coming Wednesday the 19th at F.W. Barnes and Sons in Pleasant Street.

Please ride your bikes as there will be a Motorcycle escort to the Crematorium after the service at barnes, there will be no service at the Crem.

From there, all are welcome at the Ballarat Rovers clubrooms at the Ballarat Airport.

For those inclined to have an adult beverage, please have atleast one Melbourne Bitter Stubby, in memory of the Gingerbread Man.

He will smile down on you as you do.


General meeting at club rooms this Thursday 20/06/2024, start time 7:30

Hi all, general meeting at club rooms this Thursday, start time 7:30, let’s get as many as we can, lots to discuss!


Sudden passing of Ballarat Rovers MCC member and friend, Richard Ingles

It is with a heavy heart that we inform the club of the sudden passing yesterday, of Ballarat Rovers MCC member and friend, Richard Ingles.

Richard along with his brother Jeff and late father George have been long time members of both the Ballarat Rovers and the Ballarat Touring Club (now amalgamated into the BRMCC).

For those of you lucky enough to have met Richard, you could never forget the experience, he was a person that can never be forgotten, copied, a true rough diamond who ran on his own time.

Those he called a mate, you are truely blessed. The club wishes to extend its deepest condolences to Jeff, family and friends of Richard.

R.I.P The Gingerbread Man



Kings Holiday Weekend Practice Day on Monday 10th June, 9am to 1pm.

Kings Holiday Weekend Practice Day on Monday 10th June, 9am to 1pm.

Enter via Ridernet or at Monza sign in on the day.

$30 members, $50 non members. No canteen available.


Help needed to water during the week & for next weekend.

Track has been ripped and we have started watering, it’s soaking in nicely.

Thanks everyone who turned up today.

We need more helpers for tomorrow arvo/night to get a lot more water on this track yet.

Monza will be open every day this week with jobs to finish off.

If your a senior rider racing this weekend come out and have a look.

Please sign in at the canteen.

More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


Help needed all week & for next weekend.

Hello everyone.

Senior Vic Titles is fast approaching, there are still plenty of jobs to get done and track watering.

Monza will be open every afternoon this week for working bee.

If you can’t get there send a msg and we can open up earlier.

Reminder to sign in at the canteen.

We’re still looking for helpers on the weekend as well, let us know if you can help out.

Thanks all, let’s get this track looking tip top for a great event

More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


Last chance for practice before Vic Seniors. Wednesday 22nd May at Monza, 3-6pm.

Practice Day Wednesday 22nd May at Monza, 3-6pm.

Opportunity for any riders that are racing Senior Vic Titles to practice, juniors also welcome.

Strictly MA Licence required to ride, proof needs to be shown on the day or no riding. Enter via Ridernet.

$30 Members, $50 Non Members. Gates open 2pm, sign in from 2.30pm. No Canteen Available.

More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


Horsham Western Region this weekend (18th & 19th) we are in need of lap scorers

Horsham Western Region this weekend we are in need of lap scorers. 1 scorer for Round 1 Saturday and Round 1 Sunday.

If you haven’t had a go please put your hand up or we will pick names randomly.


More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


Helpers needed for Vic Seniors June 1st & 2nd.

Hey all, with our Senior Vic Titles coming up very quickly 1st & 2nd June we are putting the call out for our club members to come and help out.
This is a 2 day event and we need as many helpers as possible to make the weekend run smoothly.
It takes between 70 and 100 people to run these events and if everyone can give us a couple of hours it makes the load a lot lighter.
If you can help either as a flag marshal or in the canteen please message Sue on 0438078833.


No practice this weekend, working bee.

Hey all there is no practice this weekend as track is being prepared for senior vics. Lots of jobs to be done so if you have any spare time please come out and help at the working bee this Saturday from 9am.


Meeting 2/05 & Working Bee Monza 4/05

Meeting Thursday night clubrooms 2/05/2024 Working Bee this Saturday from 4/05/2024 9am lots to do to get ready for our Senior Vics

More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


*******VORC********* Rounds 3 & 4 April 20 & 21


More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


Meeting Thursday night 7/03/2024

Hey all meeting this Thursday night 7.30 hut 25 ballarat airport club rooms. Just be aware of the roadworks and the diversions. Hope to see you all there.


PACTICE DAY WEDNESDAY 6/03/2024 from 3pm

Will be warm so watering will be required.

Registration through ridernet only



Free come & try day Monza Sat 17/02/2024 1pm


More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


Meeting at Airport club rooms Thursday 15/02/2024


More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


First meeting back Thursday 1st of Feb .

Happy New Year and welcome to another exciting year of racing and touring We have lots going on this year so please keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook page.
Our first general meeting is this Thursday 1st February 7.30 Airport Club Rooms Hut 25 Ballarat Airport .
Come on out and see and hear what’s been going on over the off season.
Don’t forget memberships are now due. Riders via Ridernet all others via website or at club rooms.
Working bee 3th Feb main objectives are first aid hut and gates (so far).
Hope to see you there.


Working Bee Sat 3/02/2024 .


More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.




More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.



Free come & try day Monza Sat 17/02/2024 1pm


More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


RPA/Practice day Monza Wed 17/01/2024 1pm


More info or questions go to our Facebook page. Link at top of page.


Calendar for next year



A Xmas note from our president Sue Freeman

WOW what a year its been. To say it was busy would be an understatement. So many improvements going on out at Monza Park with track design, new viewing area ,new fences, new wash bays, old toilets refurbished, and the First Aide hut being refurbished as well and that's just the beginning.

We had some great events this year a 3 round club mx series, the Stampede Pony Express, many RPA and practice days.

We were so lucky to be able to run our round of the pony out at Mt. Misery. If it wasn't for the owners Kylie & Steve Briody allowing us to hold this event here it would not have happened. Steve has said the bon fire will be bigger next year. Big thank you to you both.

We also welcomed Larry Haas into our Life Members Club, Larry has been a club member for over 28 years and has been heavily involved in Trials. Larry is a quiet achiever but a very hard worker always the first to Mt Bolton setting up the sections and always the last to leave after making sure the sections are cleaned up. Congratulations Larry.

Next year our calendar already looks very full. We will post a copy of calendar on here when its finalized. We have a round of the Senior Vic Titles locked in and our Western region has been locked in as well.

Massive thank you to all of our fantastic sponsors. (I will put up a sponsors list shortly). I have been blown away on how many businesses are eager to help small clubs out, your support means so much. Thank You.

I would like to thank all members who have stepped up and given us a hand where needed. All this work does not happen with a magic wand it happens because of hard work.

I would also like to thank my main team for this year Ian Stacey and Rob Fisher so much work has gone on behind the scenes which I know I would never have been able to do by myself so thanks guys.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all.

Sue Freeeman



Last General Meeting for the year 14/12/2023



AGM Tonight 30/11/2023

Pesentation & Ride Day for members only Sat 2 Dec Monza Park

Sorry for the late notice I thought I had already done this; Perko

This Thursday night (Tonight) is our AGM short general before AGM starting at 7.30 sharp. Airport club rooms. All very welcome.

Afternoon all presentation day is fast approaching so here is the rundown for the day.
This Saturday at Monza Park
Free ride day for members only from 10-4.
Then dinner from 6pm followed by presentation of awards.
This is a BYO drinks event.
Please message (not call )Sue on 0438078833 with numbers for catering purposes.
Can’t wait to see you all.


Final club rounds 28th & 29th October

Gates open Friday 3pm onwards for camping & watering

2 Lap scorers needed Ring Sue on 0438078833.

Corner allocation will be done at sign in so please make sure you have your corner person organised. Thanks Sue.

Entries on line. More info or qusetions go to our Facebook page.

Click here for Facebook Page



Final club rounds 28th & 29th October

Entries on line. More info or qusetions go to our Facebook page.

Click here for Facebook Page


Upcoming AGM. Put your hand up for the committee or all the way to the President

As November fastly approaches now is the time to start to think about what position that you may want to take on in 2024.

Every position within the club is up for grabs from President to Kitchen Manager to Western Region Delegates and much more.

Our Club can only run well if our Committee runs well and to do this it takes a little commitment from as many people as possible.

Our AGM will be on Thursday 23rd November, 2023 where everyone is more than welcome to attend. This will be held after the General Meeting.


Upcoming Pony Xpress tri series & coaching. 23rd & 24th Sept

More info for coaching & itinery

Click here for Facebook Page


Upcoming tri series, PONY EXPRESS NUMBERS

PONY EXPRESS NUMBERS This information is rd1 specific take note.

50cc ENTERING THE EVENT any 50cc/rec licence holders will need to enter via ridernet also but threw stampede rd1 rec licences part please.

Numbers jor all juniors we will work with the Numbers that you already are allocated if you have not been allocated a number we will work with the Numbers on your bike that's fine.

Senior pony express riders same again we will work with the Numbers you have on your bikes we will require your pair to have the same number as you however don't stress we will provide the pairing number for you and any adjustments that need to be made will sort it out. Same with ironman.

With this if anyone is available Saturday we will be doing sign on from 3pm

More info or questions please go to our Facebook page

Click here for Facebook Page


Upcoming tri series

Hi all, for all those seniors wanting to race the upcoming tri series and have never held a Motorcycling Australia race licence, you will need a proof of competency, which is one of the following three options; Road Bike license

Competency Assessment completed by a coach or Level 2 Offical

Proof of previously issued MA license

If you have one of those three you then will just need to complete the 25 questions in the Seniors theory Test for Senior National competition licenses on Motorcycling Australia's website.

This was a new requirement brought in a few years ago to just help make everyone out there at an MA event is competent to do so.

For those that don't have a road license or previous MA license we have Andrew Wilksch available to run a coaching day this Saturday morning at Monza Park if anyone needs to get a competency test done or is interested in a small session of coaching.

Will be a 2 hour session of coaching.

$100 per rider

This will be a seniors only coaching session.

10am -12


More info or questions please go to our Facebook page

Click here for Facebook Page


Coaching & Entries


Click here for Entry on Ridernet

More info or questions please go to our Facebook page

Click here for Facebook Page


Entries are now open for this Sunday 13/08/2023 club round

Entries are now open for this Sundays club round via ridernet

Please note there is camping available Saturday night

Also all riders are to supply 1 person per round to flaggy and canteen will be open

Entries close this thursday.

Also don't forget to fill out your self scrutineering form (See Facebook page)

More info or questions please go to our Facebook page

Click here for Facebook Page


Practice This Wednesday 2/08/2023 from 10 am

Practice This Wednesday 2/08/2023

For all licence holders only.

Gates open 10: 00 am

Any questions go to our Facebook page.


1st Club day Sunday 13th August


Any questions go to our Facebook page.


Trials dates Mt Bolton



Vale Mary Jolly

President, Committee Members and friends would like to extend their deepest sympathies to Keith Jolly and family on the passing of Mary beloved wife, mother and club member. Marys funeral will be on Thursday 29th June, 2023 1.30pm at Barnes Funeral Home Pleasant Street Ballarat. Followed by refreshments at the Ballarat Rovers Club Rooms Hut 25 Airport Rd Mitchell Park. Life Members Badges Please.


Working Bee Sat & Sun 13th & 14th May



Latest club news: April review.




Ride day Monza Park Sunday May 7. No licence needed, non members welcome



Ride day Monza Park Sunday April 30 no licence needed, non members welcome



Practice, Coaching, Kick Start & Junior Log Book Endorsement Wed night 22nd March



General meeting Thursday 16th AND Dakar Dean presentation Friday night 17th

Hi all. General Meeting this Thursday at the airport club rooms 7.30 start. All welcome.

Also this Friday night our very own Dakar Dean will be giving a presentation on his Dakar experience.

BBQ at 7pm and drinks at 1979 prices. A donation for a snag or burger would be appreciated.

Club rooms open at 6.30.

Great event not to be missed.


Wednesday 22th Feb twilight riding at Monza.

Our 2nd mid week practice is coming up this wednesday 22nd Feb. Gates open at 3.30 riding from 4pm-7pm.

Cost is $30 for members and $50 for nonmembers.

Please go to canteen for sign in.

A quick working bee will be held on tuesday 21st feb for watering the track etc from about 4pm. Remember many hands make light work.

Hope to see you all there.


Wednesday 8th Feb twilight riding at Monza.
Other dates 22nd Feb, 8th March, 22nd March, and 5th April

Our first mid week practice will be this Wednesday 8th Feb. Gates open at 3.30 riding from 4pm to 7pm.

Cost is $30 for members and $50 for nonmembers.

Dates for further mid week practice are: 22nd Feb, 8th March, 22nd March, and 5th April will be the last one until daylight savings returns.

A quick working bee will be held on Tuesday to make sure the track is ready. Many hands make light work.

One more thing when entering an event can you please put in the sponsor section Ballarat Rovers MCC as well as this will be the only way we know who is riding for our club and we can report on our riders at the next meeting.

Big thankyou to the members who now have their level 1 officials licence and first aide this is going to help everyone get more track time.


New meeting dates & times

A quick note from our new president Sue Freeman

Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all had a great Xmas and a relaxing break.

The first meeting back at the club rooms at the airport is Thursday 2nd February 2023 hut 25 Ballarat Airport.

A couple of little changes to the meeting times.

Meeting will now start at 7.30 sharp and we will be meeting twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Thursday throughout the year.

This gives people a choice to attend 1 or 2 meetings for the month and still be in the loop on what is going on within the club.

With the calendar filling up very quickly last night a few got together and set a few practice days and a club day series watch this space for the calendar to be released.

Good luck to all the riders for the upcoming season.

Hope to see you all on the 2nd.


Memberships are now due

Hope everyone had a merry Xmas & looking forward to a great new year

2023 memberships are now due. Even if your MA licence is still valid, OR your club reg, you still need to be financial as well



Sun 18th Dec End of year ride day & BBQ for members. 2023 memberships now being taken

Sun 18th Dec End of year ride day 10 to 3pm & BBQ for members but friends welcome

2023 memberships are now being taken which will include this ride day so click the link at the top of the page.

This is the one day of the year social members can have a ride, no licence needed

Ride day & BBQ are free, club paying for permit but all riders need to be a member & pay $15 MV rider levy

We will be taking 2023 memberships on the day if you have mates that want a ride but we will shout a snag to anyone that comes

Dont want a ride? Come for the BBQ & a catch up


Last meeting for the year. New president.

Last general meeting for the year tonight Thursday 1-12-22.

Doors open 7:30, meeting 8:15.

Come & say hi to our new president Sue Freeman (Our first female president) & thank Scotty his great time & effort as the out going president


AGM Thursday 24th Nov

Reminder AGM Thursday 24th November

Quick general meeting 1st followed by AGM. Doors open 7:30

End of year/presentation TBA


Ballarat Rovers annual remembrance ride 2022 Saturday 12th November

Ballarat Rovers annual remembrance ride 2022 Saturday 12th November departing 11am sharp from 609 Post Office Rd Ross Creek.

Please arrive before 10:45.

Ride will be to a country pub for lunch and will be approx 200km. Past, present members & family, all welcome. Any inquiries please call Daryl on 0417 059033.


****** Payment details for 70th Reunion ******

Thank you for letting us know that you are coming to our 70th birthday celebrations, we can’t wait to catch up and reminisce about old times.

For catering purposes could you please pay for your tickets as soon as possible & no later than September 9th. Thank you.

To pay for the evening can you please bank transfer to:

Ballarat Rovers MCC
BSB 083 526
Account: 515 673 562

Make sure you put your name AND “Reunion” or “70th” so we know who it's from.


Ballarat Rovers MCC

More info contact Sue or George or go to our Facebook page.



It's finally here. Our great club is celebrating its 70th year & we would like all members (Past & present), families & friends to come along to help us celebrate this auspicious occasion.

It will be held at the Greyhound track corner of Rubicon & Sutton St Ballarat. Plenty of off street parking.

Start time 6:30. 2 course meal & drinks at bar prices. $60 per head.

Contact Sue 0438078833 or George 0407814165 by the 10th of August to book your tickets.

Click here for directions



Rovers car and bike ride to Jim Leithheads car collection at Pomonal on Good Friday

Rovers car and bike ride to Jim Leithheads car collection at Pomonal on Good Friday open once a year as fundraising for children’s hospital 10am to 3 pm with show and shine for visiting cars and bikes bbq and coffee van there for sale and byo grog welcome plus bands playing.
$20 per head and all money goes to the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Please bring cash for the day. No eftpos.
Meet at BP Mitchell Park.
Stands up 9:00



Bruce Armfield has passed away.

Another long time member of the Ballarat Rovers motorcycle has passed away Bruce Armfield. Condolace to his family & freinds.

R.IP Bruce


James Wison passes away.

It is with regret that we inform you of the passing of James Wilson, past member of the Ballarat Rovers MCC. James, or Jim (as he was known) joined the Rovers in the mid 1950's, not long after the club was formed. He was a great worker for the club during his years of membership and was always on hand to help out wherever needed. Rest in Peace, Jim. Once a member, never forgotten. The President, Committee and members of the Ballarat Rovers Motorcycle Club


Life member & great clubman Roland Young passes away.

It is with the deepest of sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Roland Young last week. Roland was a long standing member and life member of the Ballarat Rovers MCC. He is a past President, Treasurer, Social coordinator as well as many other positions, however he is most well known and loved for is fantastic work behind the bar at the clubrooms where he always served with a smile, a story and made anyone and everyone feel at ease, he also made sure no one ever left hungry. After Rollies son David finished racing Motocross, Roland stayed involved in the club, always having his finger on the pulse. Many things were improved, replaced, or repaired without anyone knowing how, the answer was usually Roland had done it and as was in generosity, a bill was never tabled and when queried as to why, he would either have forgotten or simply say that “It wasn’t much, and not worth worrying about”. Roland also had a great love for Road racing, I doubt there is a single member who ever road raced during Rolands tenure at the club who wasn’t helped out in some way by Rollie. He never asked for anything in return, he just got a kick out of helping, without any fuss. The love of the sport also took him to the Isle of Man on several occasions. As mentioned before, Rollie was one of the most generous people I have ever known. There would be many members who have learnt to love a good wine, thanks to Rollie, Club functions, ride day dinners etc. It didn’t matter what your drink of choice was, a couple of bottles of red would always turn up on the tables and strangely enough, they never seemed to run out, nor did they ever appear on the bill at the end of the night, Rollie would always have sorted it out prior. In fact, at a club trip to the speedway, Roland offered to pay for every ones tickets, once he was told that it was already done and included in the initial price, Rollie ran ahead and not only purchased a grand stand seat for everyone, but each seat had a beer and a hotdog waiting on it. It is an unfortunate thing when someone close to us passes, And they are always remembered in a shining light, however I don’t think there could ever be enough light to shine on our mate Rollie. He was informative, smart, quiet, persuasive, unassuming, funny, loyal, generous, hard working…… The list would go on forever. But one thing that springs to mind when thinking of Rollie, that he was a Gentleman, a true down to earth Gentleman. We will always miss you Rollie, and it was a honour to all to have known you. Rest In Peace Roland. The President, Committee and members of the Ballarat Rovers Motorcycles Club, wish to extend their deepest condolences to Eleanor, Michael, David and Kate


2 New Life Members & President's Award

Congrats to Rob Fisher and Nick Rivett on their receipt of Life Membership to the Ballarat Rovers last night and to Ronnie Irwin for receiving Scotty’s 2020 President’s Award. Thanks to everyone who helped out yesterday and to the stalwarts who always give their time whenever it’s needed, you’re a bloody crew!





********REMINDER******** Lockey's "Show Us Your Toys" Poker Run is on again. Nov 16th



******UPDATE***** Bikes wanted for Andrew's service

If you are coming to celebrate Andrew's life on Thursday please ride your bike if possible BUT make sure you are there by 1:30 as there is special parking put aside for the bikes.


Bikes wanted for Andrew's service

If you are coming to celebrate Andrew's life on Thursday please ride your bike if possible.


Sad news, we lose another member

We received the sad news today that Andrew Flood has passed away after a long battle with illness. Andrew was a character to say the least. Heavily involved in the early days of the Ponies and a staunch clubman. Never backward in coming forward. Thoughts & best wishes go out to Michelle & family.

RIP mate.




BRMCC annual remembrance ride. Sat Nov 9th

BRMCC annual remembrance ride, in memory of club members that are sadly no longer with us. Departing from 609 Post Office Rd Ross Creek following a minute silence at 11am Sharp. Please be there by 10:45. Ride will be approx 200kms stopping for lunch at a country pub. A few light refreshments back at Post Office Rd after. No trail ride has been organised. Any queries please call Daryl Turner 0417059033

Past members, family & friends welcome.


Lockey's "Show Us Your Toys" Poker Run is on again. Nov 16th



Lockey's "Show us your toys" Poker Run/Family Fundraiser

Comments from Lance Powell;

Hi all, how does a ride or drive on or in your pride and joy to raise money for a very good cause sound. ??
Well check out the flyer and get your polish out for this Inaugural Rovers Motorcycle Club
Poker run and Show Us Your Toys Day.
All the details are on the flyer and feel free to contact me for more info.
Thanks folks. Look forward to seeing all the cool stuff. !!

*****************DONT FORGET TO VOTE**********************



Bike Expo this Sat 25th 9am till 7pm & Sun 26th Nov 9am 4pm

Bike Expo this Sat 25th 9am till 7pm & Sun 26th Nov 9am 4pm at the Ballarat Greyhound Track Sutton St Delacombe Vic Over 50 bike from all eras & a Mad Max patrol car. Check out flyer for more details.


































Rover's legend passes away

It is with great sadness we inform you that a legend of the club in Brian Fisher has passed away.

He will be farewelled on Monday at Barnes Pleasant St. 2pm.

Those riding bikes are asked to park in Darling St.

The wake will be at the clubrooms following